Craft engaging content that stands out.

    Instantly Write Like Alex Hormozi & Justin Welsh!

    Log in with your LinkedIn account and receive free weekly credit on us.

    Boost content in 3 steps...


    Paste your content

    Paste your initial LinkedIn post draft and click enhance post.


    Instant transformation

    Transform your post to resemble that of Alex Hormozi.


    Publish your post

    Post your enhanced content and watch your engagement grow.

    Enhance content with data-driven insights.

    Improve your LinkedIn posts based on these key metrics.

    Content Score

    Evaluates the quality, readability, and structure of your LinkedIn content, including length and paragraph structure.

    Engagement Score

    Evaluates your post engagement potential by measuring the likelihood of generating likes, comments, and shares.

    Hook Score

    Evaluates how well your LinkedIn post captures attention through emotional triggers and strong opening lines.

    CTA Score

    Evaluates the effectiveness of your CTA in generating actions and acquiring leads based on the context of your post.

    Frequently asked questions